Sodium Phosphate Enema 100 ml
Product Description
Enema for constipation in dogs.
Enema for constipation in dogs.
Notes about Prescription Medicines: This is a prescription medicine and is not stock item. Displayed here for collecting from source and order supply to vet hospitals, vet clinics, vet doctors and paravets on demand. Rates shown are possible supply rates and does not indicate off the shelf availability at same rate. Actual rate will be as per latest MRP with our discount applied when the ordered stock is picked up from the market. However, efforts are made during market working hours to collect the ordered items and make ready for despatch within few hours usually by courier service.
Notes about Prescription Medicines: This is a prescription medicine and is not stock item. Displayed here for collecting from source and order supply to vet hospitals, vet clinics, vet doctors and paravets on demand. Rates shown are possible supply rates and does not indicate off the shelf availability at same rate. Actual rate will be as per latest MRP with our discount applied when the ordered stock is picked up from the market. However, efforts are made during market working hours to collect the ordered items and make ready for despatch within few hours usually by courier service.
Notes about Prescription Medicines: This is a prescription medicine and is not stock item. Displayed here for collecting from source and order supply to vet hospitals, vet clinics, vet doctors and paravets on demand. Rates shown are possible supply rates and does not indicate off the shelf availability at same rate. Actual rate will be as per latest MRP with our discount applied when the ordered stock is picked up from the market. However, efforts are made during market working hours to collect the ordered items and make ready for despatch within few hours usually by courier service.
Notes about Prescription Medicines: This is a prescription medicine and is not stock item. Displayed here for collecting from source and order supply to vet hospitals, vet clinics, vet doctors and paravets on demand. Rates shown are possible supply rates and does not indicate off the shelf availability at same rate. Actual rate will be as per latest MRP with our discount applied when the ordered stock is picked up from the market. However, efforts are made during market working hours to collect the ordered items and make ready for despatch within few hours usually by courier service.
The Altiva 120 mg Tablet Strip of 10 is the equivalent of Fexorise and is available for professional order supplies. Each strip contains 10 tablets and is suitable for professional use.
*PRODUCT INTRODUCTION:* Amitryn 25 Tablet Amitriptyline, is a tricyclic antidepressant. Different doses of this medicine help in treating and preventing different problems such as depression, neuropathic pain, and migraine in humans. In dogs, it is used to calm down hyperactive or aggressive dogs. This medicine is not addictive, but should not be given to dogs without medical advice. Being a tricyclic antidepressant drug used to treat conditions in dogs such as anxiety, behavioral disorders, and other problems. It works by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in dogs’ brains by blocking reuptake of these neurotransmitters that govern their reactions. *Here are some common conditions in dogs that vets might treat with amitriptyline:* -Separation anxiety -Obsessive grooming -Depression over death of a companion -Fear of loud noises -Neuropathic pain from nerve injury, chronic cystitis, chronic pruritus, and skin irritations that cause itching. *Possible Dosage:* Consult your vet. *The usual initial dosage* of amitriptyline in dogs is 0.5 to 2 mg per pound given every eight to twelve hours (Source: https://dogtime.com/dog-health/54399-amitriptyline-dogs-uses-dosage-side-effects) *That's 1 to 4 mg per kg of body weight, given every eight to twelve hours*. But, on the safer side, 1 tablet once or twice daily asw per response of dog is well tolerated by a well-built 20 kg dog. For other weights, use proportionately. *Warning:* Do not stop teh medication abruptly.