3% OFF
Accurex Pet Pathology Test Facilitation
Accurex Pet Pathology Diagnostic Collection Service
*The service presently covers Barasat and adjoining towns up to a distance of 15 km only.*
Rs. 350 is the base rate of RKD that is charged against Sample Collection from Home, Storage before conveyance, Conveyance to Lab and Report plus Bill Printed from soft copy Delivered to Home by RKD. Actual test charges of Lab (Highly discounted) will be billed to Customer by the Lab and payment from Customer to Lab will be routed through RKD after collection from Customer. The amount billed by Lab will be billed to Customer as Delivery Charge added on to the base rate of RKD.
Accurex Pet Pathology Lab is a reputed veterinary diagnostic lab at Shyambazar, Kolkata with all modern instruments where most advanced methodologies are applied and the pathological reports are prepared by a registered veterinarian specialized in pathology. Accurex has been operating now since the last 2 years and has been serving many treatment shelters of NGOs who need affordable tests for blood, urine and stools and has also gained the confidence of several Vet Doctors.
RKD Pet shop at Barasat has a highly discounted tie-up with Accurex to make pet diagnostics affordable in a never before manner with discounts reaching up to 45% per item, depending on the type of test involved.
*The Online Order & Billing Process of RKD Pet Shop:*
1) You order your test through our online shop and send us the doctor’s prescription by Whatsapp from the ordering App.
2) We receive your order and establish whatsapp connection with you to mention the individual item rates and total payable amount including Collection Charge.
3) You agree and we send you an SMS-ed/ Whatsapped bill bearing total payable amount with online link to pay. This simple system is followed to avoid giving you the trouble of searching through a long list of several tests and ordering the ones you need.
4) You pay through the link using Gpay, Debit/ Credit Cards or a variety of wallets available.
5) RKD arranges the collection through experienced paravet equipped with all required vials and RKD stores in fridge temporarily before despatching to lab within 12 pm each day.
6) Report and bill is generated by the lab, addressed to the customer and electronically transmitted to RKD within the same night unless some tests require 48 to 72 hrs to complete.
7) The report and bill are immediately sent by RKD to customer via whatsapp and conveyed physically in print from soft copy within 12 pm of the next day at the doorstep to the customer.
8) Printed report and bill delivery within Barasat municipal area is FREE. *If print is required by customer at other towns beyond Barasat Municipal Limits*, Conveyance charge of very reasonable amount is added on to the Delivery Charge billed to Customer.